I tried an experiment back in March, and “kitted” up a few DG5 Emulators and put them on eBay. They sold, I bought more hardware to make more kits, they sold, and so on. So far, I have sold 25 kits, so I made a larger order today for the parts for another 20 rather than 5-10 at a time.
I have also almost exclusively sold them thru eBay, which has some pluses and minus. One big plus, is there is more exposure to folks looking for a DG5 there. International shipping appears to be easier and cheaper – I have sent kits internationally for $10 rather than the $17 or so it currently costs via USPS. They collect taxes for the State it ships to (not sure if this is a plus or a minus), and their order processing is as streamlined as it can get. Minus is the additional charges and fees they charge (on top of PayPal), which is why I have to charge more. Such is life I guess!
I was able to purchase a color printer, so now all the kits include 8 color pages of the build instructions. All in all, some life has been breathed into this project over the past 6-months. I’d like to come up with a case for the project, and do some more videos describing how it works – hopefully this summer!
Thanks for all the feedback, and I am currently out of stock as the last 2 sold today. It might take 2-3 weeks before I have the next 20 kits ready – the LED displays take the longest to source as they come from China.
I would certainly buy a kit if i knew the ebay listing was live next time.
I’ll let you know when I have them available again.
I’d love a quick shout too!
Can do. I should have all the parts by next week, hopefully I can kit some up by the weekend.
You’re the best! I’ve seen a few DG-5’s on eBay but given that I’m on a 2 week quarantine from work, why spend the 200 bucks on average when it would be way more fun to somewhat fabricobble my own. Not mention supporting the hard work of someone doing something out of love
I would like to know more about the input going to a PLL chip. does that handle the role of the RF amp of the weak signals ?
Im looking to replicate the sb-650 with TTL chips and the Input Amps use non-existant dual gate mosfets
I would like to order one.
Where can I download the latest v1.5 code?
DG-5 Elmers?
Hi Steve,
trying to build ver 1.5, already made the PCBs based on your Eagle files.
will let you know when finished soldering all the parts.
thank you for your great work!
I’ve been getting your emails for some time now but sadly have been so busy I haven’t been looking at them until today. I see the new DG5 emulator is sans-arduino? I have the old board, and I’m wondering how it measures up to the new design? I have been so busy I haven’t finished the kit. The board is together, mated up with the arduino, and ready to put power to it and was putting it in an enclosure when it seems I lost interest and went on to something else. It happens more than I would like to admit.
So after getting it into a enclosure I’ve shorted something and the board seems to be over heating, looking for troubshooting help
Steve: I purchased the V1.5 board, but the V2 board (with the programmed Atmel chip) sounds like a better approach. Can you let me know when you will have some more available?
Dave Maples
I am looking for possibilities to obtain kit or board with programmed processor.
Are they available?
I have TS520 and TS520SE.
The best it will be to build two DG5 emulators and at list one with LED display.
All the best,
Mietek SQ5PTQ ex SP5HBT
Hi there. Do you have one of these kits you could send to me in New Zealand?
Hi Steve, Looks like it’s been a few years since this was available. Wondering if you have any in stock or are planning on doing another round? I just inherited a ts-520s from my great grandmother and have almost all the accessories except the DG5 which seems to be extremely hard to find in working condition so I figured it’d be best to make my own. Would love to use your PCB / kit. If not I will be doing the arduino version.
Thanks for your work here. I was super relieved to find your page and see this was possible!
Hi Steve, I tried to leave a comment earlier, but no luck it seems. Hopefully this one comes through. Very interested in the kit or info on where you ordered and the PCB printed. I am probably one of the few people interested in a nixie version. Is that possible to put on the V2 board? Thanks for your time.