I finally had some time the past two weekends, and I made a lot of updates to the project – the code has been updated, I released code for the Nixie and LED versions, I finished off the LED version by mounting it in a chassis, I broke up the project into 3 separate pages for LCD, LED, and Nixie, and finally, I moved the code and PCB project files over to Github. Whew!
The current version as of this writing is 2.0.2. Updates will be directly published to the Github project page. Version 2.0.2 includes:
- Stability Enhancement. Locks the values used for the HFO and BFO, updates then only if they have moved more than 500Hz and 100Hz, respectively. This should help eliminate some wander/wiggle by keeping the two “fixed” frequencies stable.
- Released the LED version, uses MAX 7219 based, 8 digit, 7-segment display.
- Released the Nixie version, uses I2C SmartNixies.
- Added correction factor (optional)
- Added smoothing/averaging to reduce display jitter – averages over 4 readings (adjustable)
- Code cleaned up and better documented
- Changed frequency counter logic to the FreqCount Arduino library
- Tested with latest Arduino IDE (1.8.2)
That’s all for now, click on the project pages to see more on the LED and Nixie versions. If you have a DG5 emulator running, give the new code a try!