DG5 emulator version 1.4 ready to go!

I finished up on the changes and tweaks I wanted to make to the design, new schematic below.  I think I have found a US based PCB house (in Nor Cal, no less!) that can do a run for not much more that what I would pay for the China based house I used last time.  I should have the boards in less than 2 weeks as opposed to close to 4 weeks.  Since I just finished it up today, and it’s Friday, I’ll wait till Monday to submit the design, giving me 2 days to look it over for any problems.


Few things I addressed in this version:

  • Rotated the board on the shield so the inputs are on the same side as the Arduino USB port.
  • Fixed 3 wiring errors.
  • Added headers for attaching an LCD display with contrast potentiometer and optional dropping resistor for LED back-light. This will use 2, 6 pin jumpers to connect to the LCD.
  • Corrected some of the cap and resistor solder pads, should be easier to solder.
  • Fixed silkscreen errors on shield headers.
  • Added optional 7805 regulator and 2.1mm power jack for running standalone (no USB power). 7805 WILL need heatsink as it’s dissipating around 2W, almost twice what the board, LCD and Arduino uses since it’s dropping 14V (from the back of the TS-520) down to 5V.

I looked at using a triple gang RCA jack, but couldn’t find one with an Eagle footprint, so I am sticking with the single jacks from Sparkfun for now. There is too much risk designing the footprint off the datasheet, part unseen.

Download (PDF, 34KB)

New schematic.  Only difference from the one below should be the addition of the 7805 and supporting components.

4 thoughts on “DG5 emulator version 1.4 ready to go!

  1. Ron Patterson AE4UD

    Will I be able to use the DG5 with my Heath HW 101 been thinking about the AADE version for it but
    do you have a plug and play like his for the 101 I’m a retired data com tech and still pretty handy with electronics and a soldering iron. I don’t have the patience with software anymore at 72 years old so if you could give me advice on your kit would be helpful I did see some you tube videos with Todd Harrison and enjoyed them a lot!
    Ron AE4UD

    1. admin Post author

      It’s not setup for a HW 101. I adapted one to a Swan, but haven’t finished it yet. This is more of a project than a product – the AADE versions are more products – you might be better off with one if you don’t want to work on the software. Good Luck!



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