DG5 Emulator Boards stock status

UPDATE 11/17/14 – new run of boards have been ordered today from AccuTrace, with a scheduled ship date (to me) of 11/24/14.  Rather than accepting orders right now, I’ll ship first come, first served to those who express interest via a post here.  No commitment, but if your interested please post a reply to this post (below) and I’ll reach out to you first.  After those orders have been fulfilled, I’ll reactivate the “buy now” link on the project page.  Thanks!

UPDATE – SOLD OUT as of 11/13/14. Please post here if you’re interested in a board – I’ll make more if folks want them!

I only have one more board (my original order was for 20), when that one is sold, the PayPal button should direct folks who want to buy a board here.  If you’re interested in a PCB for this project, please leave me a note – if there’s enough interest I’ll have another run of boards made an e-mail you when they come in.


20 thoughts on “DG5 Emulator Boards stock status

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks – If I get a few more folks interested I’ll place an order this week, and I’ll let you know!


  1. Joe Menguy

    Hi Steve
    I would have a PCB for my TS520se if you do have anymore made.
    Could it be shipped to UK ? I will pay any extra.

    1. admin Post author

      I don’t have any more boards, but based on the continued interest I am going to have another batch made – should be ready in a couple of weeks.


  2. Peter

    Hi Can anyone help me getting the circuit diagram for the DG-5 emulator KV-670
    I did get the board but need component placemant
    Thank you
    Peter VK2VZ

  3. Dave Johnson

    Hi Steve, I just tried to order some boards but PayPal said you were out of stock. Is there any chance that more will be ordered?


    — Dave


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