New run of DG5 PCB’s now shipping!

UPDATE 4/18/16: Got 6 orders for 10 boards total in the first 24 hours, I guess there’s still demand! I have sent everyone who asked about availability an e-mail as of this evening. I ordered 100 boards this time, so hopefully they will last a while and everyone who wants to build one can get one. Thanks for the continued interest!


Thanks everyone who has e-mailed for your patience, I wanted to build one to make sure the new run of boards are OK to go as I am using a new manufacturer. I am happy to report that they work 100%. So, the new boards are ready to ship, I have boards reserved for everyone who e-mailed me and will send you an e-mail soon – if you’re reading this before you get an e-mail from me feel free to order below. The boards can be ordered using the “By Now” button on the project page, or right here:

Click the “Buy Now” button below to order a DG5 Emulator PC Board ONLY:

Few notes. I purchased a couple of Duemilanove boards from China – these looked like the original board, they both have the silkscreen of Italy on the back, but BOTH are about 1K in frequency off. I thought something wrong with my build, but when I plugged it into a real Duemilanove it worked 100%. Next steps will be to check the crystal oscillator to see if they are both off, or if there is something else going on – they were both off by approximately the same amount.

Please remember to read thru the project page BEFORE ordering so you know what you’ll need!

Thanks for your continued support!


One thought on “New run of DG5 PCB’s now shipping!

  1. Tom Boergert

    I plan to start ordering the parts next week and noticed that the Duemilanove boards that ship from China have the silkscreen on the back but do not say Made in Italy on the front and back. Same with the Uno R3 boards but in addition the R3 boards that say Made in Italy have a large socketed chip instead of a SMC that the shipped from China chips do. Are these boards still actually made in Italy and should we look for those?


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