New order of PCB’s for the DG5 emulator has been placed

Based on the feedback and e-mails requesting a DG5 emulator board, I placed an order for another run of PC boards – should ship on the 11th from the PCB house here in the US. I’ll post here when the new boards arrive and are ready for shipment, and I’ll do my best to individually e-mail those who have written me over the past few months.

Thanks for your continued interest!


10 thoughts on “New order of PCB’s for the DG5 emulator has been placed

  1. Neil Davis

    Just got your email update. I take it you can see my email address from this post. (Hidden from others?)

  2. Jerry Mikliszanski

    Hello Steve,
    Are you going to notify us when new boards will arrive, and will be available for purchasing or we have to monitor site for update news?

    1. admin Post author

      I believe there is one board still available, have you tried ordering using the buy now button? If it’s not working, I can send you a link.


      1. Jerry

        Hello Steve,
        Do you have maybe one unit assembled already for sale? (I don’t nee enclosure, I have one almost ready)
        I have no extra time to dedicate for assembly, and I need this readout for February 8. This is my son birthday and I would like to offer my Kenwood TS-520 to him as a birthday present. (This coming week, or next he will see his call sing in FCC database.)
        Thank you,

        1. admin Post author

          I don’t have anything assembled available, sorry. I think he’ll have great fun with the TS-520, and he could build one himself and melt some solder! 🙂


          1. Jerry Mikliszanski

            Thanks, Steve anyway!
            I will possibly end up doing that (with him) sometimes later as a project.
            Do I need just to purchase all necessary parts and follow your instruction, or some programing will be necessary?

  3. Frank Stains

    Hello Steve,
    Went into pay pal site to order a couple of boards and they showed to items not available

    Would the boards be available soon?

    Thank you for your reply on this.

    Frank. KB5POZ

    1. admin Post author

      Looks like the last 2 boards sold yesterday, so I am out. Orders have been trickling in very slowly, so I’ll have to gauge the interest first before I front the money for another run of boards. On the brighter side, I am slowly working on the 7-segment LED version, code works, I am working on a project case to mount it in, and the Nixie version won’t be far behind. This activity might spur further interest, and another board run!


  4. Peter Geisler DL6CLM

    Hi Steve – 2 boards have arrived this week and I want to thank you for your kindly and fast response. I’m a little bit older (71) and I’m not so fast with gripping it all together. What the heck have the 4046 PLL ic to work for? I do not understand the whole concept. Can you explain some details or are there any help files I did not find yet. Thank you


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